Client Testimonials

Hello me!
Anything is possible
I'm amazed and inspired by what Sarah managed to get me to figure out during our time together. She has a way of making you feel totally at ease and that anything is possible. Sarah exudes positivity and allows you to take stock and guides you to really think about achievable goals and life and mindset changes that perhaps you wouldn't be able to focus and visualise without her expertise. I feel so much more focused and lighter in myself about some real challenges that I'm facing and her way of not dwelling on what's been but getting you to put your energy into what you want for the future just refreshes those old thought processes to allow for new way of thinking about you. Can't wait for more!
- Kat C
Take control of my feelings
I was very impressed by how fast you ‘peeled back the layers’ to help me understand my underlying thought processes. It gave me far greater understanding of why I get stressed in certain situations. I also felt you were friendly, open, ready to press me gently when needed! I feel very positive after the session about my ability to take control of my feelings by planning for scenarios which can cause me to feel anxious or irritated. It has also helped me to remember to look after my own needs and well-being. I now have specific goals to work towards and actions to take to work towards my goals. It was much better than I was expecting. I had expected coaching to be less similar to CBT, more just about conscious goals. This was more useful for me personally. I would definitely recommend it.
- Rachel C
I found me!
I was at my lowest and was reluctantly persuaded to give Sarah the chance to help. Counselling had been so traumatic and I didn't want to feel any worse and I was worried that coaching similarly wouldn't help. Well that decision has certainly changed me forever. I found me along the way! Feeling so relaxed and at ease, I felt free to talk and with Sarah's guidance released so many negative feelings and worries. When it came to it I have never felt better or more aware of me. Thanks to Sarah for giving me the power to make so many important decisions. I can never thank her enough.
- Becca C

Opened up my life
I went to Sarah feeling bogged down with my insecurities and hoping for some help. Wow, what I didn’t expect was that I would see things with such clarity within the first hour. I wasn't aware I was the obstruction in my own life, and made me question how my brain is programmed and how to change my way of thinking. Thank you, I loved it. Sarah was brilliant and so warm. I definitely would recommend Sarah to anyone who feels they are doubting themselves or something is holding them back. This has opened up my life. After further sessions with Sarah I have addressed some problems or worries I have had for years. She helped me unlock part of my brain and helped me follow a more constructive and positive path. I realised so much of what I think or say and intimately believe is not completely the truth and that to question that for me has been extremely enlightening. I feel I have grown in confidence and now learnt ways of challenging my own thoughts to live the best life believing in my goals and hopes for the future. I feel I have been taught how to cope with things better and focus my mind on the things that matter. I cannot recommend Sarah enough , a calm and magical experience.
- Sarah R
Empowering and positive
I love how much Sarah's helped me!! Sarah has inspired me to truly think about changing my perspective and helped enormously in identifying what I want to achieve to be comfortable with myself. Sarah is very insightful and has a wonderful gift in helping others to understand what they can do to achieve both short and long-term life goals. I have made the physical and emotional changes that I have been wanting to make for so long, but haven’t known where to start, it is very empowering! After my sessions with Sarah I am able to view day to day life in a different way, prioritising what is really important to me and am able to focus on what I want to achieve. I have been able to re-evaluate and change areas such as time management; prioritising my time between work and family, becoming healthier in my mind and body for my 40th year - a goal which I had put in place but didn’t know how to achieve. By asking the most insightful questions, Sarah helped me to understand what I wanted to change and why, and then setting short-term goals to what I wanted to in the long-term. After my coaching I feel more confident in my own skin, empowered and more positive about what I am capable of, happier and more present with my children – I feel I have really achieved that work/life balance that I have not managed for so long. Sarah is calm, asks the most insightful questions and allows you to come to your own answers. Highly recommended!
- Liv H
My mind has flipped!
I've been walking in someone else's shadow and been fearful for too long, with self destruction and negativity consuming a lot of my thoughts. My life is everything I want yet I felt like a broken soul. Sarah opened up my eyes to what's under my nose. I learned it's all about me and how I choose to live, I want conscious doing and not emotional doing. I realised I have been misfocussed on a problem that didn't really exist - this was a huge moment for me. My mind has flipped. I feel amazing, I have a massive weight lifted. I could float! Positivity breeds positivity!
- Jeany B
Brings clarity
Thank you Sarah for a lovely and very personable coaching session. Positively charged and professionally delivered, Sarah's coaching brings clarity, helps to organise your thoughts and to change perspective, which is what one needs when feeling stuck. I felt uplifted.
- Inga J
In control of my
own destiny
I came to see Sarah at a point in my life where I could not see how to progress. Sarah helped me to process my thoughts, what it was I was looking for and what my end goal was. She made me feel in control of my own destiny.
- Carol S